Waterise and DuPont Water Solutions to collaborate towards sustainable subsea desalination
OSLO, Norway, March 2021: Waterise has entered into a collaboration with DuPont (NYSE:DD). DuPont will provide seawater reverse osmosis membranes and expertise to Waterise´ subsea desalination plants.
The collaboration will give Waterise exclusive access to DuPont’s FilmTec™ seawater membranes for all systems. In addition, DuPont and Waterise will share knowledge and expertise, as well as collaborate on research and development toward the mission to advance the subsea desalination operations and performance.
“We are excited about Waterise’s new approach to desalination that not only reduces water scarcity, but also minimizes energy consumption and environmental impact.”, said HP Nanda, global vice president and general manager, DuPont Water Solutions.
“I am delighted to announce that Waterise is collaborating with DuPont as part of our program to identify and establish collaboration with world leading companies which produce components needed to construct a Waterise desalination unit,” says Niels Petter Wright, CEO, Waterise.
Please find the full press release here: https://www.dupont.com/news/du...
For further information contact:
Niels Petter Wright, Waterise AS
Borja Blanco, Waterise AS
Anna Gemolas