Erik Christiani joins Waterise strengthening project execution management capabilities
Waterise is pleased to announce that Erik Christiani joins Waterise as Chief Project Execution Manger. Erik Christiani has 25 years of experience from EPCI subsea construction projects, and an impressive track record from leading positions within subsea construction projects worldwide.
ErIk Christiani comes to Waterise from a subsea management position within BW Offshore. Erik Christiani has held leading project management positions within subsea main contractors and oil & gas companies, e.g. Subsea 7 & BW Energy. His experience spans over a comprehensive list of subsea construction projects in countries such as Denmark, Norway, Vietnam, Brasil, USA , Australia & Gabon.
- Waterise is a real game changer combining the desalination process with associated subsea technology available to carry out environmentally friendly and affordable water supply for communities in the future, says Erik Christiani.
Erik Christiani holds a MSc in Civil Engineering from Denmark’s Technical University, and a PhD in Offshore Engineering from Aalborg University Denmark.